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Early Writings (of Karl Marx)
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Karl Marx Marxism philosophy political economy communism
2013-03-04 12:46:07 GMT

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Penguin Edition

Formats: MOBI and EPUB

Written in 1833-4, when Marx was barely twenty-five, this astonishingly rich body of works formed the cornerstone for his later political philosophy. In the Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State, he dissects Hegel's thought and develops his own views on civil society, while his Letters reveal a furious intellect struggling to develop the egalitarian theory of state. Equally challenging are his controversial essay On the Jewish Question and the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, where Marx first made clear his views on alienation, the state, democracy and human nature. Brilliantly insightful, Marx's Early Writings reveal a mind on the brink of one of the most revolutionary ideas in human history - the theory of Communism. This translation fully conveys the vigour of the original works. The introduction, by Lucio Colletti, considers the beliefs of the young Marx and explores these writings in the light of the later development of Marxism.



Introduction by Lucio Colletti
Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of the State (1843)
Letters from the Franco-German Yearbooks (1843)
On the Jewish Question (1843)
A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Introduction (1843-4)
Excerpts from James Mill's Elements of Political Economy (1844)
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844)
Critical Notes on the Article 'The King of Prussia and Social Reform. By a Prussian' (1844)

A. Concerning Feuerbach
B. Preface (to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy)
Glossary of Key Terms
Chronology of Marx's Life 1918 to August 1844
Note on Previous Editions of the Works of Man and Engels
Chronology of Works by Marx and Engels

File list not available.


In the whole history of the world, no one has fucked the human race more than Karl Marx.

He should be studied to learn what not to do, what to avoid and what kind of thinking to loath.
the human race was fucking the human race long before Karl Marx came around... but thanks for your unsolicited opinion
oh, and thanks for the upload!
Considering that Marxists murdered over 120 million people in the 20th century alone, I think I'd have to agree with pir8guy. Name one country in which socialism or communism has benefited its people in any way and I might give Marx a chance. Marxism is a failed 19th century pipe dream that has no relevance beyond the damage it has done and the atrocities committed in its name.
...and besides, we don't need you to solicit our opinions. Whether you like it or not, this is a free forum in a society with some modicum of freedom of speech. I'd guess that if it was up to you, we would be denied these freedoms.
ivanzhivago, I don't know when you think the 20th century started, but here's a hint: it wasn't 1844. I think you might have crossed your timestreams.

Name one country where socialism has benefitted people: Cuba. Actually, by the way you proposed your demand, you could name any country that calls/called itself socialist or communist ("in any way").

Go back to sleep.
I have no intention of muzzling free speech. I just get irritated that every time anyone uploads anything by Marx, there is a flood of kneejerk diatribes that seem designed to *stop* people from downloading and reading this material. It seems to me that it is people like you are trying to muzzle the free dissemination of information. BTW, I'm not a marxist and have no Utopian vision of a future perfect world and I am acutely aware of the horrors of the 20th century. I do believe, however, that Marx is an important writer who still has valuable insights into the world/ system we live in today. That's all. Oh and I don't think that the comment section of a torrent is really designed as a "forum". It's meant as a place to comment on the torrent and thank or speak to the uploader. If you want to give a speech there are lots of more effective forums for your views.
Cuba? You must be out of your mind. Pretty thin gruel there. The 120 millions murders happened in the 20th century, and a short span of it at that, say 1917 (Russia) until roughly 1980 (Pol Pot) -- 100 million of them happened in an even shorter span - from Stalin's purges until Mao "great leap forward" onward into the Cultural Revolution. And the 19th century revolutions happened in 1848. Pull your head out of your ass. I know my history. Your argument has failed on all counts.
rusty-koathanger: I'm not trying to muzzle anyone. I am responding to your attack on the previous comment. You have a right to read Marx, others have a right to their opinions, as well. Your comment is irrelevant. We can say whatever we like in whatever context we choose.
ledpup: okay, let me back up and spell this out for you, as you seem to be having some difficulties... I was not addressing the publish date of Marx's writings, I was addressing the previous comments, try to keep up.

Also, you would have done better by choosing Venezuela, but I don't think their socialist state would have worked out so well without all the profits from petroleum. Despite that, many Venezuelans might differ with the degree of success -- hence the fireworks and celebrations in Caracas, as we speak...

I think what the original commenter was getting at was that throughout all of history no system of government has caused more suffering, deprivation, destitution and avoidable death than by those adhering to Marxist dogma. By their fruit you shall know them...

You could take every despot or dictator from Sargon of Akkad, through the worst of the Roman Empire, onward to the Mongols, the Inquisition, and we can even throw in Hitler, and all of them COMBINED would not have proven so disastrous and murderous as Marxism and its derivatives. I think that indicates a serious problem at the root of the ideology. I think that confirms a complete and total failure.

And by the way, I am an apolitical anarchist -- down with all authoritarian regimes and down with leftist bullshit!

Oh yeah, and I believe that the Soviet Union referred to themselves as a socialist state, hence the USSR, and China were unrepentant with their identity as a communist state. That's just two Maybe you should round out your reading a little bit.

There. I am done with you. Get back to me when you discover any sort of a clue.
ivanzhivago, you may (or may not) know your history, but you certainly don't know my argument.

"And the 19th century revolutions happened in 1848." Is this in reference to my statement about 1844? If so, I wasn't talking about one of the revolutions in the 19th century (and there were more than in the year 1848, by the way). I was talking about the year that most of the pieces in the e-book were first written. I realise that in your world of logical leaps, you can blame someone for the events of the 20th century when they died in 1883. However, being a stickler for logic and reasoning, I can't do that.

Cuba: Bear in mind you said "benefited its people in any way", I can respond with health care in Cuba. It has some of best health care in the Carribean. Sure, they might have vilified homosexuals, put a COP on every street corner, almost started a nuclear war, crushed political opposition, and created an oppressive state that treated their population like children; but if you followed your argument, you'd have to admit that you should maybe "give Marx a chance".
I'm a Marxist, but I don't have a utopian vision either. The thing that I find so humorous about people like pir8guy and ivanzhivago is they're lacking the basic awareness of their world to understand that this "forum" they're using is part of the post-capitalist movement. Regardless of whether they believe that, or think it's good or not, moving things from the commodity economy to the digital commons is very much communism in motion. Marx would absolutely *love* pirate bay, even if everyone on pirate bay hates Marx.
ledpup: refer to my previous comment about 1844

...and so you found a loophole in my statement, "in any way" -- perhaps "in any way that enhances the overall quality of life of its citizens balanced against the deprivation and misery that it causes." -- too much of a logical leap for you?

You say that we can't hold Marx accountable for what happened in the 20th century and yet you expect that Marxism will somehow make things better in the 21st? Talk about logical leaps.

During the Cold War, capitalism was at war with communism. After the Cold War, capitalism went to war against democracy. The answers are somewhere else, not with any form of 18th or 19th century thinking. Time to move on.

Once again, ledpup, you are misled.
I think what you're lacking here is any sort of viable proof of concept. You've had close to 150 years and two of the largest countries in the world for testing grounds and you still haven't produced much of anything save Cuba's health care system, some kickass androgynous female Olympic athletes, the ability to create drinkable alcohol from shoe polish, some novel means of mass murder and a shitload of defectors running their asses off into the post-capitalist world.

You had better be careful what you wish for, comrade, for when the revolution comes, soft-handers like you will be the first ones up against the wall...
ivanzhivago, you have no idea who I am and what my beliefs are, yet you keep throwing a whole heap of shit at me with no justification.

As far as you know, I might not be even the slightest bit accountable for any so-called socialist/communist countries. (Or maybe I’m the ghost of Trotsky.) Maybe I have no desire whatsoever to defend those countries. And I don't defend them. I also don’t feel the slightest bit compelled, even though I can happily call myself a Marxist, to need to.

Even if so-called communist countries hadn't killed millions of people, I'd still hate them. They've restricted freedom, increased work, stunted scientific understanding, discriminated on race and sex, increased environmental destruction and kept people in a state of arrested development. Capitalist countries have done all those things too, in different ways, in varying degrees. Which ones are worse? I simply don’t care.

Your argument can just as easily be applied to capitalist countries. They've killed millions of people too. Yet, name things they've done that that has improved people's lives and you could reel off a huge list. You can easily do that with so-called communist countries too. The same can be said for fascist, feudal and slave societies.

Anyway, I’m not looking for a fight. If you don’t want to read the book, that’s cool. Hell, I might never get around to reading it either. Though I intend to.
Okay, fair enough. Your points are valid, except for the murder part. No one comes close to Mao and Joe Stalin. Over 45 million people were killed from 1958-61 during "The Great Leap Forward". That's some outrageously horrific shit, by any measure.

But when I stand up for someone's right to voice their opinion and you respond "go back to sleep", you are denigrating and showing a considerable degree of ignorance. I guarantee that you assumed that I was a right-wing capitalist tea-bagger, or something of the sort. If you don't want an argument, don't provoke one.
...and I am actually Russian, by descent, and my family suffered greatly under the communist regime, so I must admit to a certain bias, despite my attempts to be open minded. Peace to you. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Thanks for sharing.
I've seen many people rejecting Marx's ideas and yet to find more than a few who really read most of his writings!